Wanting to make an appointment?
We can offer you the opportunity to consult with your Doctor at a face-to-face appointment, by telephone or via video link.
Some screening questions may be asked before booking appointments to ensure that we do our best to keep you and our teams and other patients as safe as possible from all illnesses.
All patients will have access to all of our usual services.
Please let us know if you are experiencing any symptoms of fever, cough, runny nose, shortness of breath, sore throat or any loss of smell or taste, diarrhoea or vomiting.
You may be requested to wear a mask whilst in the surgery.
Please call our Reception Team to discuss consultation options or log on to Health 365 to book an appointment.
If you are experiencing a medical emergency please call 111 immediately.
Types of consults that may be appropriate for online video consults would be:
- Long term stable medical conditions review
- Contraception discussions/repeat scripts where your condition is stable
- Wound checks – following up small wounds.
- Acne Management
- Repeat prescriptions
- Pre-Travel Consultations
- Work and Income Benefit Review
- Advice/Certification for Off-work
- Physical access difficulties – long distance from doctor or difficulty coming in due to isolation.
Video Consults
If our administration team or your GP have arranged for you to have a Video consultation please click on the button above to enter your GP’s waiting room at your scheduled appointment time.
Our online consults use secure medical technology.
Online consultations need to be pre arranged with your GP through the Health 365 portal or our administration staff.
We now have a GP available for telephone consultations every Saturday morning for patients that are enrolled with us at either Bethlehem or Ōmokoroa between the hours of 8:00am - 11:00am
If you are registered to use our Health365 portal, simply go online and search for Dr Gould and then book an appointment with him for the time you would prefer - he will then call you at that time.
If you are not registered to use our portal text 028 471 9925 'please call' and your name and preferred telephone contact number. Dr Gould will call you as soon as he is available.
As this service is operated by us and not subcontracted to an independent service provider, Doctor Gould will have full access to your medical records and patient history.
Our standard consultation charges will apply but all existing concessions will be recognised (free consults for under 14s and $19.50 for CSC holders etc.) and this should ensure that the charges to you are less than Accident & Healthcare or other tele-consult providers.
If you are not currently signed up to Health365, please call one of our reception team and they will be happy to send you an email to join.
Part of the NZ health community
Over the years we have trained and supported the development and growth of many student Doctors and Nurses and wherever possible, tried to contribute to the developmental healthcare workforce of New Zealand.